Saturday, April 3, 2010

Early Morning!

Well its Saturday morning and I was so excited not to set the alarm clock for 5:30 like usual, but Ryan had to go potty at 6:30 this morning, so I am awake watching Handy Manny. Madison only woke up once last night which is always amazing and happens quite often, but John was awake until almost 4 this morning so I feel like I haven't gotten much sleep at all. Madison has slept in the crib in Ryan's room the last two nights and that seems to be going well. She is the BEST sleeper. Ive been putting her down while she is still awake and she falls asleep without crying. I think I would lose my mind if she didn't sleep well.
Today is Ryan's friend John's 2nd birthday so we are ALL going to the party. And I just went into my kitchen and it smells bad so I'm going to clean it. I thought Saturdays were days for relaxing...?

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